Aug 3, 2021
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Mindful living can include formal meditation but it’s mostly about how we pay attention to life as it’s happening in the everyday moments of our everyday lives. In her new book, Still Life: The Myths and Magic of Mindful Living, renowned yogi meditation teacher Rebecca Pacheco offers insights and practices for how to live a more present, contemplative life. As we do, we create space for peace and calm, but also for our own mental, emotional, and spiritual grappling.
Guest Bio
Rebecca Pacheco is the author of Still Life: The Myths and Magic of Mindful Living, to be published by HarperWave on August 3rd, and Do Your Om Thing, named one of the “top ten yoga and meditation books every yogi needs” by Yoga Journal and used in teacher training programs across the United States. Previously, she founded and wrote the popular blog Om Gal (2008-2015). She’s the creator of the Runner’s World Yoga Center as well as videos for Women’s Health magazine. She has appeared on NPR and The CBC, has been featured in Forbes, The Hindu (India), The Huffington Post, Reuters, and USA Today, and frequently contributes to the Boston Globe, covering a range of topics including mind-body health, the natural world, creative life, feminism, mindfulness, and parenting in the present. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of Richmond and lives in Boston with her husband and daughter, where she enjoys stillness and movement in equal measure. You can connect with her @omgal.
Host Bio
Kristen Manieri is the author of Better Daily Mindfulness Habits: Simples Changes with Lifelong Impact (July 2021: Rockridge Press). She’s certified both as a habits coach and mindfulness teacher. She specializes in: stress reduction, energy management, mindset, resilience, focus, habit formation, rest rituals, and prioritizing personal well-being. As the host of the weekly 60 Mindful Minutes podcast, an Apple top 100 social science podcast, Kristen has interviewed over 130 authors and thought-leaders about what it means to live a more conscious, connected, intentional AND joyful life. Learn more at
Mentioned in this Episode
Guest’s book: Still Life: The Myths and Magic of Mindful Living
Guest’s website:
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