Oct 19, 2021
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Is the life you are living based on logical reason and society’s expectations, or are you doing exactly what makes your heart beat a little faster with passion and enthusiasm? If you listened more intently to what your heart wants, what would you be doing? What are your dreams, and why aren’t you living them at the moment? These are the questions that author Kori Hahn explores in her new book, Rituals of the Soul: Using the 8 Ancient Principles of Yoga to Create a Modern & Meaningful Life. When we listen to the soul, and enable our bravest and best selves, we start to move to where we most want to be.
Guest Bio
Kori Hahn is the author of Rituals of the Soul and founder of a community gathering place called the Santosha Society, which is dedicated to travel, surfing, and the soulful. She hosts numerous trips around the world for hundreds of women who study Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and all things related to soul growth, knowledge, and fulfillment. When she isn’t traveling, she divides her time between Sri Lanka and Southern California. Visit her online at www.SantoshaSociety.com.
Host Bio
Kristen Manieri is the author of Better Daily Mindfulness Habits: Simples Changes with Lifelong Impact (July 2021: Rockridge Press). She’s certified both as a habits coach and mindfulness teacher. She specializes in: stress reduction, energy management, mindset, resilience, focus, habit formation, rest rituals, and prioritizing personal well-being. As the host of the weekly 60 Mindful Minutes podcast, an Apple top 100 social science podcast, Kristen has interviewed over 140 authors and thought-leaders about what it means to live a more conscious, connected, intentional AND joyful life. Learn more at https://kristenmanieri.com/work-with-me/.
Mentioned in this Episode
Guest’s book: Rituals of the Soul: Using the 8 Ancient Principles of Yoga to Create a Modern & Meaningful Life https://www.amazon.com/Rituals-Soul-Ancient-Principles-Meaningful/dp/160868752X
Author’s website: www.SantoshaSociety.com
Kori explains her life philosophy that is at the heart of her book: https://youtu.be/BB2Y0_gTljw
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