Feb 21, 2024
Imagine you’ve come to a point in your life that feels like a fork in the road; one direction things stay the same, and in the other, you change things dramatically. For Ben Katt, this “second half” of life can feel like the archetypal hero’s journey, one of leaving what’s comfortable, falling down on the journey toward something new, and then rising. In this episode, Ben shares insights from his book, The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife, and how he answered his own call to adventure.
Guest Bio
Ben Katt is a meditation teacher, spiritual coach, and writer. As a perpetual student of wisdom traditions, Ben is an expert at adapting ancient personal development practices for modern contexts in order to help people wake up to their fullest lives. He is a certified advanced meditation teacher, holds a Master of Divinity degree, and was an ordained minister for over a decade. Previously, he led The On Being Project’s work in supporting religious and spiritual leaders. He lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his family. Learn more at https://www.benjaminkatt.com/.
For episode homepage, resources and links, visit: https://kristenmanieri.com/episode277
Learn more about coaching: Kristen@kristenmanieri.com
Mentioned in this Episode
Guest’s book: The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife https://www.amazon.com/Way-Home-Discovering-Journey-Wholeness/dp/1250910447
Guest’s website: https://www.benjaminkatt.com/
Host Bio
Kristen Manieri is a coach who works with teams to increase both productivity and wellbeing. She also helps individuals navigate transition with clarity and confidence. Her areas of focus are: stress reduction, energy management, mindset, resilience, habit formation, rest rituals, and self-care. As the host of the weekly 60 Mindful Minutes podcast, an Apple top 100 social science podcast, Kristen has interviewed over 200 authors about what it means to live a more conscious, connected, intentional and joyful life. Learn more at kristenmanieri.com/work-with-me.
Learn more about coaching: Kristen@kristenmanieri.com
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