Jul 21, 2020
For episode homepage, resources, free download and links, visit: https://kristenmanieri.com/2020/07/21/how-to-give-a-good-apology-with-molly-howes/
We all mess up, we drop the ball, say the wrong thing and hurt someone’s feelings. But how many of us know how to effectively apologize and make amends? In her new book, A Good Apology: Four Steps to Make Things Right, writer and therapist Molly Howes offers a thoughtful examination and a blueprint for how to make things right when we’ve done wrong.
Guest Bio
Molly Howes is a writer of nonfiction and memoir who has spent many years as a clinical psychologist in the Boston area. Her writing received a Notable Listing in Best American Essays 2015 and has reached finalist rounds in national contests. In 2014, she completed the intensive, yearlong Memoir Incubator Program at Grub Street writers’ center. Her new book, A Good Apology will be released in July 2020 by Grand Central Publishing.
Mentioned in this Episode
Guest’s website: https://mollyhowes.com/
A Good Apology Four Steps to Make Things Right: https://mollyhowes.com/a-good-apology-four-steps-to-make-things-right/
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